this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don't warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
empty, abandoned, the footprint of the armenian
holocast !
no wonder children are so off the wall with activity, they have higher thyroid levels !
thyroid levels in humans and chimps, but not
bonobos decrease during and after puberty !
I am not so keen on the chromium picolinate and prefer the solaray gtf chromium of which I take 1/4 to 1/2 a capsule once every two or three days and pasturize it to about 62C just to make sure any biofilm is killed !
effective supplement taking requires a lot of attention to the right forms and brands, you just can't guess and take pot luck !
your grandparents ate offal, don't be so fussy, sweetbreads, the pancreas and testicles are good for you!
you are now at the second stage of understanding what the bcd is
about which is basically that uncontrolled gut flora is a problem !
my personal experience is that I need the chromium gft yeast pasturized because it feeds malign/bad gut flora !
“ we showed in previous studies that 405 or 470 nm blue light, emitted by commonly available light-emitting diodes, photo-destroys methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) without the need for photosensitizers
data showed that as much as 94% of a standard 5 × 10
6 colony-forming units /mL culture can be eradicated in vitro with a single dose of either wavelength
this finding, which is supported by reports from other laboratories showing that blue light in the range of 400–420 nm kills MRSA, suggests that blue light phototherapy may be a viable alternative to antibiotic treatment of MRSA infections
furthermore, light, in the range of 400–470 nm wavelength, has been shown to kill other types of bacteria, including Propionibacterium acnes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Helicobacter pylori ”
the brain is a biological machine and no “cognitive therapy” will even slightly offset a/the failing mechanism !
you could look at
chromium to help with brain blood sugars
and msc krill oil for dha, epa and phospholipids in the brain !
plus in Slovenia you may be able to get offal like sweetbreads and testicles ?
Catherine of siena was anorexic, dogen had Tb, john of the cross died youngish from staph................. people in good health and sound mind breed, the rest of us on the outer edge of some half life try to muddle through the survival nightmare as best we can ................ :o()
the bcd diet and supplement
program is my and others experience in surviving health problems that would have taken me/us down by this point............
it could not have been written and developed by some-one with qualifications in the medical field, medicine is S O wrong minded for this..............
Bodhidharma's verse-inscription
a transmission outside doctrinal teaching
no depending on written words
seeing directly into one's self-being
[and getting] instantly awakened
the light of the lightning flash
thunder rolls for
Bodhidharma's verse-inscription
a transmission outside doctrinal teaching
no depending on written words
seeing directly into one's self-being
[and getting] instantly awakened
the light of the lightning flash
thunder rolls for
imagine that what this is about can be got through “ sense ” but really you need the senseless and meaningless as well that makes sense
I don't know how else to put it !
you really need to focus on the sleep and health, you are making absolutely zero progress in terms of what I am talking about so you might as well flag it !
you made some progress when you escaped the orbit of the hardcore zen blog, but it stopped soon after that !
why talk to me ? you don't agree with what I say ? !
really at this point you are saying I am wrong so why keep telling me when we so profoundly disagree ?
I don't think the dream was meaningful ! :o(
lol I am liking emile cioran
better the more I look, a deeply pessimistic man :o)(
from the platform sutra of the sixth patriarch, chapter 8, the sudden and
when not a single dharma is established in the mind, then the ten thousand dharmas can be established there. to understand this principle is to achieve the buddha’s body which is also called bodhi, nirvana, and the liberation of knowledge and vision as well. those who see their own nature can establish dharmas in their minds or not establish them as they choose
they come and go freely, without impediments or obstacles. they function correctly and speak appropriately, seeing all transformation bodies as integral with the self-nature. that is precisely the way they obtain independence, spiritual powers, and the samadhi of playfulness. This is what is called seeing the nature.
my retranslation !
when you don't get caught in false abstractions you can see things as they are, simply because you are doing them a s they are !
when you don't get caught in false abstractions you can see things as they are, simply because you are doing them a s they are !
when you don't get caught in false abstractions you can see things as they are, simply because you are doing them a s they are !
there is another level however, like dylan Thomas !
you get lifted out of the voynich of “ But there has to be a dissolution of the "I-me-mine" ”
the neurons start to die when you don't get enough sleep, sleep is a brain function.....................!
I have given you the
link, you won't help yourself .........!
what I notice is I am spending way too much time on the web with people who don't listen and can't or won't help themselves !
it's some sort of endless circle and I am very concerned about being caught up in it and am not really sure what to do about it because it is sure costing me !
you may need to rethink your life situation !
Today I went to school as normal, but in 1st pd I started having trouble seeing out of my right eye, I had a lot of problems reading and a bit of a headache
in 2nd pd I got a horrible headache that hurt mostly on the back of my eyes and on the top left of my head, my stomach hurt but my eyesight was getting better but I kept slurring my speech and saying the wrong words, I still am a little bit 8 hours later
In 3rd pd My headache got worse and so did my stomachache, my body felt fatigued and tired and I was very dizzy, I felt like I was going to throw up, but I was so exhausted I couldn't even bring myself to go to the trash can
My next period was gym, I ran a bit but tried to take it slow, and started feeling much better about 10 minutes in, my head and stomach still kind of hurt but I was feeling better
My head still hurts really badly if I laugh or cough, and I still keep messing up my speech. So do you think I had a stroke or something else?
yeah migraine likely combined with a virus ! welcome to the club :o)
can last for days, one thing that really helps is not to eat while you have it :o)
blood sugar and pressure problems are linked to
dementia !
I can relate to what you are saying and have my experience written up on the web
it's not conventional but works !
the medical road has nothing for you and you need to spend the time reading what I have written, but when you step out of the box ............
fortitude !
blood sugar and pressure problems are linked to
dementia !
I can relate to what you are saying and have my experience written up on the web
it's not conventional but works !
the medical road has nothing for you and you need to spend the time reading what I have written, but when you step out of the box ............
fortitude !
zakaj writes
Well but don't forget to teach us. That's what the 6th gave you the Patriarchal mandate for
I think “teaching” is the wrong perspective, basically I am just sorting myself out and if people don't take the benefit available to them by seriously taking on board what I say, well that's their issue !
sepehr. g, when I had my first “awakening experience” /dai kensho out by myself on the farm at the age 4 to 7? it was completely spontaneous and complete, my thought at the time was “ that must be what people call god ”
there was no abandonment of hope or the “ I ” or anything at all.................
I was favoured by god and what I had yet to learn was that meant that life and people will do nothing (almost ! can't claim it is 100% :o) will do nothing but kick you in the head :o)(
my experience is not available to you and if you disbelieve it fine, and if you believe it why not listen a bit to what I say instead of giving a long toni packer quote that is half voynich !
she had her issues, one of which is not being confident enough in her own expression and sought the cloak of conformity of neo-advaita/non duality/krishnamurti to the detriment of making herself clear ! :o()
zakaj writes
“ battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster ”
battle not with monsters unless you can spare the time :o)(
zakaj writes
“ Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster ”
zakaj, battle not with monsters unless you can spare the time :o)(
you are not being asked to disconnect, (ed. illys on
who_knows ) just be less involving personally and more focused on health !
I often have to rewrite a post two or three times, writing is really where it's at in sorting things out more
the net is counter-intuitive, there's a strange impersonal space that it operates best from, when I reply to something, it's not in terms of benefiting anybody except myself by better information processing which even this post is !
garden cress sprouts, a
sensitive indicator of rf radiation effects on biology ?
garden cress/
lepidium sativum sprouts, a
sensitive indicator of rf radiation effects on biology ?
garden cress sprouts a
sensitive indicator of rf radiation effects on biology ?
the net is good for information and bad for entangling the lives of others who really have nothing to do with you !
use it at its strength and watch out for it's weakness/es !
the net is good for information and bad for entangling the lives of others who really have nothing to do with you !
use it at its strength and watch out for it's weakness !
ouch ! diabetics and pre diabetics are going to be a
source of influenza infection !
watch your blood sugar if you are going into a situation of potential viral exposure ! :o(
don't take chromium either !
“ reducing the viruses' glucose supply weakens the microbes' ability to infect host cells ”
“ heavy marijuana users have
abnormal brain structure and poor memory ”
In 2012, the
prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, pre-diabetes, and gestational diabetes was 14.3 percent among privately insured adults ages 45 to 54, and
26.3 percent among adults ages 55 to 64
problem is that the inks can be nanoparticles, especially black and removal releases them back into the body and they just travel anywhere..................
from a health point of view it's best to leave the tattoo
paul offit is the man famous for
responding at a public meeting to complaints by parents that their children had been injured by vaccines by pulling out photos of his grandchildren and saying “they're ok” ! :o(
yeah half of most supplements or even more in some cases is the microcrystalline cellulose filler, medications have it in too, better without it, but they need it for the tableting and encapsulating processes !
the thing with supplements is to buy very specifically the nutrients you are looking for and not getting those you don't want and look for quality brands !
both PRK and lasik surgery
kill nerves in the cornea and this can upset a lot of regulatory things in the eye !
it's absolutely criminal the way these surgeries have been promoted without any warnings of the risks particularly for dry eyes and those with large
pupils !
a lot of what calls itself zen is simply a justification for being an ignorant blinkered arsehole, zen has it worse than other religions because of the historical accident of the zen in the west being the militarist kamakura/meiji zen which is strongly anti intellectual anti creative because soldiers work best when they are trained not to think !
zen's greats like hakuin ekaku and ryōkan taigu were highly creative and artistic !
zen on
reddit is perhaps an extreme example of this anti creative paradigm, dull boring little boys who like some spam bot have learnt a script and just hash and rehash it pretending like this somehow measures up to ryōkan when all they are doing is dirtying toilet paper ! :o(
a lot of what calls itself zen is simply a justification for being an ignorant blinkered arsehole, zen has it worse than other religions because of the historical accident of the zen in the west being the militarist kamakura/meiji zen which is strongly anti intellectual anti creative because soldiers work best when they are trained not to think !
zen's greats like hakuin ekaku and ryōkan taigu were highly creative and artistic !
zen on reddit is perhaps an extreme example of this anti creative paradigm, dull boring little boys who like some spam bot have learnt a script and just hash and rehash it pretending like this somehow measures up to ryōkan when all they are doing is dirtying toilet paper ! :o(
this is a complaint ! when I started zen, I was always following what i didn't understand and working something out, I never ever got caught up in this need to appear to know that everyone has, what i did get caught up in was wanting some sort of control or seniority in the zen system which fortunately was very far from happening.........!
if you have no honest sense of not knowing then what is the point ?
entertain yourself forever with wrong minded rubbish I guess, I don't have to put up with it, can close this board down or just leave it suspended
there is something to work out, but you don't read around enough, you don't think enough and you don't get enough solitude !
i am beginning to see the truth of this quote by emil cioran
“ each of us must pay for the slightest attempted improvement he inflicts upon a universe created for indifference and stagnation, sooner or later, he will regret not having left it undisturbed ! ”
sepehr. g writes
an unseen impossible color
with a needle both blunt and sharp
where rivers lose all colour
it transforms and collapses the vision
allseen possible colours
the needle's eye collapses on itself
sepehr g., doesn't it bother you you are not writing this stuff from experience but making something up?
it's so simple to start being real, why does everyone have to pretend all the time,
if you don't know you don't know !
sepehr. g writes
an unseen impossible color
with a needle both blunt and sharp
where rivers lose all colour
it transforms and collapses the vision
allseen possible colours
the needle's eye collapses on itself
“ [..] macular degeneration progresses with the death of retinal pigment epithelium, a dark-coloured layer of cells which nourishes the visual cells in the retina
[..] it's now possible to make in the laboratory layers of retinal pigment epithelium cells in a sheet, which are then inserted into the eye underneath the retina to support the photoreceptors
implantation is an outpatient procedure with an estimated cost of about $8000 (australian) ‑ no more complicated than and as affordable as surgery for cataracts, another common
eye disease ”
no question about our being biological machines !
while martin heidegger was an
unrepentant nazi and anti-semite , his anti - semitism was constricted to the more conventional pre 20
th century pogroms and not the floridly explosive holocast as enabled by the confluence of conventional social attitudes and improvements in technology !
he was therefore a moderate nazi which is why hitler turned down heidegger's request for an interview !
philisophically heidegger would have argued the pre 20th century pogroms were a rememberance of being and the 20th century holocast by virtue of the extremity of ( pogrom ! ) extermination was a forgetting of being which would have placed him as a a moderate conservative in favour of a few jews being killed but not too many. : o )(
i think jacques derrida being a jew was a bit startled to discern heidegger's true sentiments because he then stated the importance of looking at the “ whole life ” in evaluating a philosopher/ and his writings
Given all of the good normal microbiota in the area, shouldn't cunnilingus be a good way of getting probiotics? I'm totally down with it either way. Apparently, r/askscience didn't want to touch this post
Aren't Lactobacilli fairly dominant and, thus, similar to many probiotic supplements and foods, but with strains already good at surviving on a human host?
there are several variables, one being what is the actual quality of the environment !
microbiome problems in that area are endemic !
so there may be a relatively toxic flora there in the first place !
secondly the genital enviroment is quite different from the stomach and intestine and the gene expression and species and sub species and fungi and viruses will also vary hugely !
and then you have the oral environment of the recipient !
at best the innoculation shouldn't be too upsetting and at worse would be very upsetting
maybe a bit of yogurt afterwards would help or some culturelle lactobacillus gg/rhamnosus capsules?
I think my objection to the icloud supplement schedule (ed. illys) is that it is really yours and I don't have an interest in it and this is because the bcd/compendium is in fact deconstructed and it's up to everyone to construct their own version of it, apt or inapt as they do anyway.....................
elaine gottschall was never that happy with the prescriptive way the scd was done, she said she only did it that way because no-one was interested otherwise ! :o)
so the diet is really principles and my practical experience and you have to build what works for you from that, which actually is quite a bit different from the usual approach which is quite prescriptive
you are not just following rote, but developing a finessed version of it which actually is quite an extra burden but it is always in fact what happens anyway and is the only way you can be successful !
so there is a heavy burden of understanding in implementing it which people find unsettling and actually outright upsetting because it states that unless you finesse your diet from basic principles you will not be successful which again is always the case, there are no successful diets except those finessed from the BCD/compendium :o)
potatoes that are waxy textured after cooking have more sugar and less starch, so are more digestible, Bintje, Dutch cream, Nadine, Pink Eye............
I am actually finding I can't really cope with anything except a very small amount of peeled potatoes with a meal and they need to be a variety that is waxy after cooking because these have lower starch and a higher amount of less complex more quickly absorbed sugars !
any sort of moderate (or perhaps even a small quantity) really makes me strung out and sorta angry which i figure must be microbiome toxins, so i have dropped eating potatoes again
digestively i seemed to cope, though my stools were abit more mucusy than i like
these waxy potatoes are what are used for potato salads because they need to be more digestible than the floury ones when cold, in fact starches become considerably less digestible once cooled, so when I reheat them I am careful to make sure they get hot enough !
bismarks are no good, even as new potatoes !
commercial sausages these days are just fatty meat, casings, and spices which are in fact ok except the spices will have sleep disrupting preservatives, but the inevitable wheat/rice/potato/soy starch fillers/binders used are biofilm/microbiome feeding !
i love sausages, but you can't eat them unless you make them yourselves with BCD legal ingredients !
surgery always carries the risk of
unwanted complications !
with oil pulling you may absorb some particular fraction of the oil which means you may be getting quite a bit of this fraction and who knows what it is?
so, the universe is going to
collapse rather than expand forever !
how appropriately pessimistic :o)(
the next question is, is it cyclic, or does that even have any meaning :o)(
why poor sleep can create diabetes and alzheimers !
interestingly it's not only the brain that has a problem with misfolded proteins but also the pancreas !
the repair or elimination of misfolded proteins occurs during sleep !
you just need to start thinking about life and making a few observations about yourself, takes time but is worth it !
sepehr. g writes
Dark night of the soul
needles fly in the sky
drowning in purple rivers
coming upwards to see nothing
white night in the hole
needles skewer the eye
i am the river in red
it colours my vision :o)(
you (ed. zakaj)
want the needle to be in a familiar place that's why you think it's cryptic, but cryptic is just the needle telling you it's not where you think it is !
want the needle to be in a familiar place that's why you think it's cryptic, but cryptic is just the needle telling you it's not where you think it is !
basically enzymes break “ the vicious circle ” and you get the needed extra energy for no cost !
I think
enzymes are what enable the BCD compared to the SCD !!!!
the way to take D3 is in small amounts once every day or second day !
taking D3 this way will also help with sleep !
300 to 500 to 1000 iu a day?
you may need to peel the carrots if they are anything but very young or young !
are you taking chromium at this point?
carrots should be soft !
beetroot needs a fair amount of cooking and can be a problem , how long are you cooking that soup for?
I have also found
nettles not suitable as a vegetable green, tho I could try them again ! :o() they would need to be young for a start I think and perhaps only taken from a wettish area !
it looks like
hyon song-wol was machine
gunned to death,
kim jon-un's uncle ( jang sung-taek ) has only escaped ( in fact executed on the 12th of december 2013 ! ) because he is married to kim kyong-hui, kim jong-il's sister/kim jon-un's aunt
he was a bit of a murderous bastard too, he had his wife's young piano player lover killed during an reign of terror/purge in the late 1990s and inadvertently caused his daughter's suicide from a sleeping pill overdose combined with alcohol in paris where she was studying by preventing his daughter from marrying her north korean lover
from an ideologically unsound family !
oddly enough , all this is very much in the west's interests because it's really an assertion of korean nationalism against chinese influence !
as it turned out hyon song-wol is still
alive !
like all war leaders smart and dumb !
like all war leaders smart and dumb !
yeah abit of pasturized fruit quite a while after the main meal, a sort of dessert in effect will give those quickly absorbed sugars for energy !
cream with it to buffer the sugar pulse !
maybe you need chromium to do that ?
carrots need PLENTY of cooking ! veges should be well cooked !
B vits taken on a fermenting stomach just feed the bad gut bugs !
I hope all this makes sense to you !
don't have too much fluid with a meal !
forget calcemic foods, the modern diet has plenty of calcium in !
you could be taking too much vitamin D too !
this is a sufi story about the mystic rabi'ah
al-basri !
she lost a needle and started to look for it in a well lit area of the house, others joined her but after much searching, they still could not find it !
she then told them it had actually been lost in a dark corner where it is difficult to find and made the criticism that people try to understand ultimate reality in a similar way, only looking where they can see easily and are amongst the familiar !
we are both on Golgotha.................
right, left or center :o)( ?
we are both on Golgotha.................
life has to be so bad you cry doesn't it ?
Lol dude you're a Class A dipshit
oh well at least you managed 6 words !
I don't know what habitual lsd
use does to the brain but it's not good from my observation :o)
a stainless steel spanner in a gearbox one hundred too many times ?
Lol dude you're a Class A dipshit
oh well at least you managed 6 words !
I don't know what habitual lsd use does to the brain but it's not good from my observation :o)
a stainless steel spanner in a gearbox one hundred too many times ?
so you are now
down from whatever you were on ?
yeah I sure don't understand drugs do I ?
you are self medicating with pot and probably alcohol and sex, I was saying with attention to diet and supplements there is a quite different road
life is life and people take the roads they find easiest, subreddits come and go .......................
i'm not saying autistic spectrum is bad, both you and I are on it and I notice you didn't deny that............
my view is basically drugs are self medication................. no blame but if there are better roads................?
you know you are pissing your life away............... the weirdness of reddit is for people to stumble into these bizarre conflicts then everything moves on again :o)(
zakaj asks
What do you mean by mastering the ouroboros?
No longer being enslaved to problems of recursion?
the eye
in the needle
zakaj asks
What do you mean by mastering the ouroboros?
No longer being enslaved to problems of recursion?
the eye
in the needle
zakaj asks
What do you mean by mastering the ouroboros?
No longer being enslaved to problems of recursion?
the eye
in the needle
the difference is and I have tried to
explain it is that if you tackle the ouroboros and master it then you can short cut philosophy and philosophers, like for instance understanding jacques derrida
through the videos
you are calling it amateurish but actually it transcends philosophy which is limited, sort of a pasturing the ouroborous so to speak and that's is actually why I like derrida because he transcends philosophy :o)
it's your very inability to see what I am talking about that limits you !
why would I think that derrida being interviewed by a woman that loved him was important for instance ?
why did I link to that
video of Heidegger, it wasn't the stuff he wrote but the goethe quote that was important and why was that important ?
what I write is like a surface on quite a deep sea, you are welcome to explore or ignore that depth as you will :o)(
the difference is and I have tried to explain it is that if you tackle the ouroboros and master it then you can short cut philosophy and philosophers, like for instance understanding jacques derrida
through the videos
you are calling it amateurish but actually it transcends philosophy which is limited, sort of a pasturing the ouroborous so to speak and that's is actually why I like derrida because he transcends philosophy :o)
it's your very inability to see what I am talking about that limits you !
why would I think that derrida being interviewed by a woman that loved him was important for instance ?
why did I link to that
video of Heidegger, it wasn't the stuff he wrote but the goethe quote that was important and why was that important ?
what I write is like a surface on quite a deep sea, you are welcome to explore or ignore that depth as you will :o)(
the trouble with
family is you always stuck with them so just forgive and forget, but don't enter into anything financial !
it's all happened, it can't be recovered, we all have weaknesses...........
look for a job you can develop skills and improve your position...........
I use the L'Oreal men expert anti-irritation shaving
gel which seems to work, some creams are really are not good!
fortunately fiberglass breaks into smaller pieces and it will eventually be carried out, unlike asbestos which only breaks longways so never shortens
I hope it was fiberglass and had no asbestos in !
I have actually had abit of asbestos exposure in karijini national park in western australia, the area is full of it, when the wind picks up you feel it in your lungs, cough cough !
one of the best things you can do if you have had asbestos exposure is NOT TO SMOKE, asbestos and smoking have a very bad synergy !
success or failure is in the
finesse of the implementation of the biofilm carbohydrate diet and
compendium !
it's not magic but the additive effect of getting a whole lot of things righter
you can read the BCD in much more detail and also understand scd but you waste time in various floridities
your questions are answered here to the best of peoples abilities
it's all laid on for you if you want to pick it up
if you don't have the basic background it's really hard to be effective because you are skittering through so much basic stuff that is being done wrong !
just read and do things and try and understand and ask questions and keep it straightforward and don't try and save the compendium web page or life or anybody else except yourself and what you can do for your husband !
having said that winter viruses can really throw a spanner in the works and makes things much more difficult, but one just has to plough ahead !
since it appears you have cardiovascular problems it is likely the strontium
will be too rough for you !
the supps have been posted, hopefully they will make it through your customs !
success or failure is in the
finesse of the implementation of the biofilm carbohydrate diet and
compendium !
it's not magic but the additive effect of getting a whole lot of things righter
you can read the BCD in much more detail and also understand scd but you waste time in various floridities
your questions are answered here to the best of peoples abilities
it's all laid on for you if you want to pick it up
if you don't have the basic background its really hard to be effective because you are skittering through so much basic stuff that is being done wrong !
just read and do things and try and understand and ask questions and keep it straightforward and don't try and save the compendium web page or life or anybody else except yourself and what you can do for your husband !
having said that winter viruses can really throw a spanner in the works and makes things much more difficult, but one just has to plough ahead !
well maybe karl renz has reached a plateau and not gone beyond it !
amoda maa jeevan I feel talks better when she abandons the neo advaita/non dual crap and talks more how she wants to, must be afraid of being outcast which is what happens I guess when one abandons the party line !
the gospel of Thomas comes from a celibate tradition so has that intensity, the synoptic gospels with their overt emphasis on pacifism are amore or less overt attempt by rome to create a religion that keeps the peace in the empire !
the gospel of Thomas comes from a celibate tradition so has that intensity, the synoptic gospels with their overt emphasis on pacifism are amore or less overt attempt by rome to create a religion that keeps the peace in the empire !
you really have to tackle the ouroboros, pasturing them only goes in the same old circle!
you really have to tackle the ouroboros, pasturing them only goes in the same old circle!
schopenhauer is quite
readable, don't go on the opinions of others and do some reading yourself !
schopenhauer and heraclitus are about the only philosophers i can read direct
the rest make me ill : o)
derrida really shines in audio and video, there's some very good you tubes of him, i think the woman interviewer was in love with him so it has an intensity !
he's not a native English speaker, so you need more information
than the printed page provides for him and video and audio does that!
plus there is natural sympathy between him and the interviewer which helps!
I can appreciate one who has studied the endless verbal turge of Heidegger being traumatized by my recommendation and actually preference of derrida on video and audio !
actually there is a
video of heidegger on youtube and I also found that much more informative than his writings !
schopenhauer and heraclitus are about the only philosophers i can read direct
the rest make me ill : o)
derrida really shines in audio and video, there's some very good you tubes of him, i think the woman interviewer was in love with him so it has an intensity !
a monk asked great master ma
“ what is the way? ”
great master ma replied
“ originality is the way ! ”
lordlawnmower replies
originality is a highly abstract concept. i am suspicious of it
lol !
the great master has spoken and like most of the monks in these stories you don't hear the reply :o)(
a monk asked great master ma
“ what is the way? ”
great master ma replied
“ originality is the way ! ”
a really cool
poem by marianne moore
I think what distinguishes good philosophy from bad or useful from useless is to get out of the
“ field of ouroboros ” problem where (wherein?) a herd of ouroboros is just fenced in a pasture and set to graze which imo your post on mind being
a tv or radio receiver is !
it's just a collection of meaningless recursions which don't go anywhere and all the skill is in being able to create something meaningful out of what is the meaningless recursion that we know as life ! : o ()
I think what distinguishes good philosophy from bad or useful from useless is to get out of the
“ field of ouroboros ” problem where (wherein?) a herd of ouroboros is just fenced in a pasture and set to graze which imo your post on mind being
a tv or radio receiver is !
it's just a collection of meaningless recursions which don't go anywhere and all the skill is in being able to create something meaningful out of what is the meaningless recursion that we know as life ! : o ()
I think what distinguishes good philosophy from bad or useful from useless is to get out of the “ field of ouroboros ” problem where (wherein?) a herd of ouroboros is just fenced in a pasture and set to graze which imo your post on mind being
a tv or radio receiver is !
it's just a collection of meaningless recursions which don't go anywhere and all the skill is in being able to create something meaningful out of what is the meaningless recursion that we know as life ! : o ()
derrida is really very zen, he's always eroding the frame of reference you approach him from !
derrida is really very zen, he's always eroding the frame of reference you approach him from !
you seem a bit
rational for schizophrenia which would mean you are on autistic spectrum/aspergers syndrome on top of which you now have drug induced brain damage !
the trouble with pot is it is toxic to the brain !
pyschedelics can permanently induct a semi hallucinogenic state !
in short your whole brain function was fragile at the start and your foray into drugs is not going to have a happy outcome I am afraid !
what I do is not take drugs but pay attention to
diet and take supplements, which actually takes a bit of working out !
I doubt you will do anything do except fall and crash through the next ten years or however long it takes to end ! :o(
fun replies (ed. a different poster to the original
thread text !)
Woah now guys, looks like we've got ourselves a good ol' Internet psychologist here
my reply
drugs are pretty fun except they damage the health and brain huh ! :o)(
“ hey guys ” indeed don't you know there's no friends in drugs
just “ associates ” !
you seem a bit
rational for schizophrenia which would mean you are on autistic spectrum/aspergers syndrome on top of which you now have drug induced brain damage !
the trouble with pot is it is toxic to the brain !
pyschedelics can permanently induct a semi hallucinogenic state !
in short your whole brain function was fragile at the start and your foray into drugs is not going to have a happy outcome I am afraid !
what I do is not take drugs but pay attention to
diet and take supplements, which actually takes a bit of working out !
I doubt you will do anything do except fall and crash through the next ten years or however long it takes to end ! :o(
it took me a long long time to understand jacques derrida, but basically he's a mystic !
also head and shoulders intellectually above most other philosophers and actually one of the all time greats like heraclitus and schopenhauer
emil cioran is interesting, a good quote “ to have grazed every form of failure, including success ”
“ each of us must pay for the slightest damage he inflicts upon a universe created for indifference and stagnation, sooner or later, he will regret not having left it intact ”
“ [..] blood clots that had been exposed to bacteria or to bacterial lipopolysaccharide
The fluorescent probes
lit up the clots, showing that the clot fibers bound lipopolysaccharide to their surfaces ”
“ what is an insightful thought experiment pertaining to zen? ”
imagine what happens to you after death !
what I have found useful is the research in recent years showing the brains of those with autistic spectrum disorders/reorders as structurally different, that is the herd is the way it is because it has “ herd brains ”
real understanding is extremely rare and it can't occur unless the brain is a certain way !
btw einstein's brain was structurally quite
different with very enhanced inter hemispheric connectivity amongst other things no doubt !
Almost step father, 27 (engaged, to a 34 year old mother of two boys; might as well be married as we own a home together and everything else together) who is trying to parent two teenagers.
One, the older boy, 15, seems to have found his place, is more respectful, and will do what I ask. The other, 14, fights over EVERYTHING I ask. Due to the mother and my schedule, she is not always around to deal with things. The 14 year old boy has broken things, threatened me and the mother, grabbed me, screamed at family events, and refuses to do anything without a long drawn out fight beforehand
Cannot figure out how to discipline as the mother seems to let them have outlets from punishment whenever she sees fit. The ordeal tonight ended with bruises on my arm and a hole in the wall. How do I deal with this with the mother (without threatening leaving her), and how can I cope (i'm worried this is having adverse effects on my own health)
If you have any advice i'd appreciate it. We have been living together for 6 years now
Additionally, the kids are in choir, piano, trumpet, and used to be involved in sports and boy scouts. Sometimes I wonder if they are just that used to having everything done for them. They don't know the date or day of the week some days
We've come up with house rules they are all posted on the door opposite his bedroom door. Theyve had consequences, mostly because of their grades. We've removed all the video games from the house, taken away all electronics (netflix galaxy players, tablets, etc...) I have nothing else to take away for consequence. Grades are still terrible. I dunno what to do to make anyone care. Feel like they'd respect me more if I raised them from babies, but can't go back and change that
you have a serious situation and need the help of a therapist !
the 14 year old won't be open to anything coming from within the family and your wife is also creating the problem by allowing the evasion of discipline
a third party is needed !
stepfather replies
I've gone through therapy before I feel it causes more stress and expense than is needed. I think a solution is available without consulting self righteous counselors
i agree about most therapists being not much use, I do feel the 14 year old has some degree of aspergers syndrome and it needs abit of a different perspective !
your partner may be a bit that way too !
actually it would help to pursue the idea of aspergers syndrome with him !
they are doing too much which is why the grades are suffering, they really need to simplify
this is going to sound an odd perspective, but unless they are unusually talented, music is not a good idea, I don't quite know why but the people in it are not very functional !
I'm really debating getting out of all this. Her fathers endowed enough he could compensate for what I would leave behind. Feel like my twenties are about lost. Eight years has been all about trying to raise kids. I dunno what freedom is. Keep thinking about a year before I met her and went to europe with my ex. Thought I was on top of the world, thought I was free and it would just get better. If only I could go back...
you really are under no obligation to raise another mans kids, if the situation doesn't make you happy ................
there's something completely different about jacques derrida compared to any of the others (ed. Lacan, zizek)
while you understand consciousness as a separate issue you constrain yourself and your understanding, but honestly the price of really sorting it out is not worth it :o)
well try aspergers syndrome rather than bipolar disorder
you are a bit
unusual yourself and I don't mean that in a negative way, just different, I can tell that from your writing style !
brain damage can change the personality, he was drunk and has to take the consequences, you have no obligation of care and distancing would best !
consciousness is a false problem !
I have been following the imaging and neurobiological research for years and it's fait accompli as the tautological brain paradigm
of course research is endless...............
there are interesting aspects like how neurons/neuronal firing sort of cascades and avalanches in a manner to access quantum space..............
consciousness is a false problem !
I have been following the imaging and neurobiological research for years and it's fait accompli as the tautological brain paradigm
of course research is endless...............
there are interesting aspects like how neurons sort of cascade and avalanche in a manner to access quantum space..............
i have never really used coconut oil because coconuts make me migrainey !
i don't use oil for frying, just a bit of water so i don't really have any need for it !
i don't really have an opinion on it, all i can say is i don't use it !
3 pasturized prunes a day and pasturized kwifruit help with constipation !
also using the squatting positon to defecate as this is what we are designed for !
that andrew's health/liver salts (Mg Sulphate, Na Bicarbonate, citric acid sucrose) looks a great biofilm/microbiome feeder !
i don't advise the use of mineral salts as it feeds biofilm/microbiome and is very rough on the gut !
vitmain E helps as well having a gentle laxative effect!
since the scd and bcd diets reduce the amount of microbiome, constipation is one of the rough edges of the diet, it is liveable, you just have to work your way through what helps and i have to say that western toilet bowls place the muscle tension all wrong and contrary to our evolutionary design !
yeah I have noticed that about you, you generally get things righter the second time !
the point about writing is to develop us so we are a bit different in a positive way when we have finished !
I have been my own editor for many years now and I have learnt how hard it is to tell what is worthwhile of what one writes, but space is free on the web , so I (basically?) just put everything up and don't lose any sleep over it ! :o)(
“ It's silly to
imply that Susan Boyle, rainman, or Temple Grandin somehow have a better capacity to understand zen than others ”
they have the capacity, it's just filled with other interests and in grandin's case a pretty toxic anti-depressant !:o)
I went to a talk by her when she was in tasmania and we were at the buffet lunch, I never spoke to her, but she was mesmerised by the strawberry I picked out and ate :o)
there's a story or poem by stanislaw lem in the cyberiad about a room full of broken robots and it's just a random dissonant mess and sound, only above that all can be heard the most beautiful lyrical poem being sung by one robot ! :o)
lacan/freud is sounding very like Slavoj Zizek !
are you Slovakian or Croatian, I don't understand the in's and outs of the nationalities around there, an explanation would be useful !
you are just not familar with the advances in neurobiology and especially brain imaging in the last ten years in the west so the whole lacan/freud thing is extremely dated now !
no, it's dull and dated thinking !
freud is basically wrong and neurobiology is the correct paradigm !
yes insanity can be highly rational !
maybe it isn't
maybe it's just nonsense !
I just really don't feel what you write with this abstract stuff is hitting the mark at all, just wasting my time to read !
this like a car accident or something ?
a second later and you'd have been ok ?
a double check of the text recipient and
life would have continued as normal ?
this like a car accident or something ?
a second later and you would have been ok ?
a double check of the text recipient and
life would have continued as normal ?
this like a car accident or something ?
a second later you would have been ok ?
a double check of the text recipient and
life would have continued as normal ?
an audio recording of a
talk by toni, I used to listen to them endlessly trying to understand what she was saying :o)(
unfortunately there's very little decent stuff by toni packer on the web, the springwater center staff don't understand the impact of the web, but “ the work of this moment ” is her best book really !
I think you are taking and justifying a position, it takes more detail work to go past opinions into what reads well !
this is the one thing I have found again and again, no-one does any real work, like you could research what you have just said and it could take half a day of research at least to get a complex and more interesting view of freud and what insanity is and does !
you have a real issue there, (ed. a type 1 diabetic eating the marzipan christmas candies when she helps with decorating!) it muddles everything and set you back, you really are fighting for your life !
make a file called verboten and write down what is verboten occasionally and read and modify it !
just an ordinary text file, not the flamboyant things you put up !
writing is memory and one needs to write to keep track of everything, in my case it's called the compendium and bcd and I am constantly startled by reading something I had forgotten :o)
lol Buddha was the most asperger ever !
yeah most people just stay within one group, I have been involved with quite a few, with toni packer and the springwater center, which broke away from Philip kapleau and the Rochester zen center, john loori and his dharma heirs at the mt tremper monastery, the kwan um zen schools at providence and boston and teachers like george bowman, Jacob perl (deceased :o( dae kwang, barbara rhodes and actually heaps of others as a lot of the people I knew when staying there have gone on to be teachers and get transmission..........
I am actually from new zealand and stayed at the wangapeka retreat center near nelson for a while and that's in the lineage of Namgyal Rinpoche
and actually I was just looking at
wangapeka on the web and read about poor cecilie, it's really weird to see what has happened to some of these people I knew so many years ago
i even had a phone conversation with joko beck about going and staying at her center in san deigo on my way back to new zealand from america, but she wasn't keen, so I took her advice :o()
I wasn't concious of it at the time but I was really doing the travelling between teachers and centers that in are the old stories and doesn't really seem to happen today at all !
having gone through different traditions is really illuminating and gives one quite a different overall perspective compared to those who stay within one group or “family” :o)(
the huge problem with centers and why I think the net and even reddit is the way of the future is people in centers die youngish (which I am seeing now) of ghastly diseases and generally between existing health problems and poor diet living successfully in centers is very difficult !
yeah my experience was exceptional, but I was able to pay to stay at these places and not do too much work which is a HUGE HUGE ADVANTAGE !
toni packer was the really outstanding teacher !
if you didn't have to do much work the centers were quite fun and interesting............
zen has no foundation being gateless in a gate !
that spurted from my eyeball :o)
zen has no foundation being gateless in a gate !
ok, i tracked
this down and my reply is
zen has no foundation being gateless in a gate !
what do reddit zen
snots have in common with susan boyle?
aspergers or brain
damage or both ?
at least she works and is competent in something and not always walking in the opposite/wrong direction !
in actual fact zen is highly autistic/aspergers syndrome, the need to build correct theories of mind about reality is a strength for this sort of thing, but they have to be correct, so how do you tell?
by giving permission for the world to tell you, you are wrong :o()()(
and then following up on it !
not exactly reddit zen that is it?
if you are not comfortable with being brain damaged or on autistic spectrum then you have a L O N G way to go :o(
ewk replies
“ Long way to go ” has a long way to go. Same with “ damaged ”
Mumon talked about gouging into healthy skin... yet you only pause to argue about what is healthy
ewk you need to learn how to do some work ! that so called mumon quote, give the full context in a couple of different translations so that we can see what might have been meant, or if it was mistranslated or nonsense in the first place !
and please read what I wrote again, you haven't understood !
ewk, it's sorta sad dealing with people like you, I have made a sensible suggestion, and you should do something and reply, zen means a lot to you so why aren't you interested in upgrading your game to what might stand up in the real world !?
but no, what is too hard for you , you just slip off and grind the same old circle again and again !
ok, i tracked
this down and my reply is
zen has no foundation being gateless in a gate !
what do reddit zen
snots have in common with susan boyle?
aspergers or brain
damage or both ?
at least she works and is competent in something and not always walking in the opposite/wrong direction !
in actual fact zen is highly autistic/aspergers syndrome, the need to build correct theories of mind about reality is a strength for this sort of thing, but they have to be correct, so how do you tell?
by giving permission for the world to tell you, you are wrong :o()()(
and then following up on it !
not exactly reddit zen that is it?
if you are not comfortable with being brain damaged or on autistic spectrum then you have a L O N G way to go :o(
Huang Luzhi is
except ewk of course ! :o(